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DIRECTIONS FOR USING THIS CASE STUDY: This case study can be used in a number of ways. First, it can be given to a group of students who will analyze it and answer the questions below. Second, it can be used as an individual assignment, and, third, as a jumping off point for a class discussion.


Jan Moppet wanted a child very badly but had never found anyone she wanted to marry. So when she was about 35 her doctor told her that she had better think seriously about having a child or she wouldn't be able to have any.

Dr. Ingram suggested tht she use artificial insemination using a nearby sperm bank. These sperm were then placed inside the woman (artificial insemination) and a large percentage of women became pregnant. This sounded just like what Jan wanted.

She went through the procedure later that year and gave birth to a baby girl she called Alex. Lately, though, Jan has been thinking what might the future bring?


1. What characteristics should Jan choose when picking her sperm donor?

2. Should Jan tell Alex about her father being a sperm donor?

a. If Yes, why? and When? b. If no, why not?

3. When Alex reaches age 18, if she wants to find her father should she be allowed to do so?

4. You are Alex's attorney in her quest to find her father. Give five arguments you would make on her behalf.

5. If you were the sperm donor, list three reasons you wouldn't want Alex to find out your identity.

6. When Alex enters school, what might happen to her?


Copyright 1995 Ronnee Yashon

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